Full-stack Development


This website is the portfolio of Samuel Surgeon, a Full-stack Developer based in Sydney. Sam's expertise lie in the design and implementation of complex web-applications, systems and services.

He has experience working in both the commercial and cultural sectors with a deep understanding of current web technologies such as JavaScript, TypeScript, React, GraphQL, and Node.

His education includes a Bachelor of Communication Design and a Diploma of Software Engineering.

Sydney, Australia

(+61) 455 022 008

Github: samuelsurgeon   Twitter: @samuel_surgeon   Instagram: @samuel_surgeon   LinkedIn: Samuel Surgeon   Mail: hello@samuelsurgeon.com   •   Currently available for freelance work   •  

Selected works

Weather Forecast Visualiser

A weather forecast visualiser that uses OpenWeather API to retrieve weather data


June, 2020


Made for desktop

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A social media UX study that utilises Axios and Firebase for back-end functionality


April, 2020


Made for mobile

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Sorting Algorithm Visualiser

An interactive visualiser that reveals the process behind three of the most popular sorting algorithms


February, 2020


Made for desktop

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